Titan Mage Player's Handbook

Table of Contents


The World of Titan Mage

Among the ancient and hidden places of the world, there lies the remains of the colossal beings known as the titans. Even in death, their bones remain harder than any human made pick can dislodge. It is imagined that their power shaped the very world itself, but none know how they came to their rest.

With the death of the titans, their power leached away from their remains, returning to the earth and its creatures. With enough time, the lands became overgrown with all manner of dangerous beast. Intelligence alone was not enough to venture safely, so lowly humans were relegated to hiding and building what defenses they could, praying that their independent settlements not fall victim to ruin.

But the tenacity of human invention is bearing fruit. Humans are uncovering the magic that the titans left behind. With this newfound power, they are striking out, exploring the world, and trading with others for the first time. It is in this setting that Titan Mage takes place. There is high demand for those who can defend against the wilds. The best adventurers of the world are renowned and exalted, but not many of them are very wrinkled…

What is Needed to Play

All that is needed to play Titan Mage is 3 or more players, a way to print, and a way to view this website. It is recommended to get two sets of RPG dice if you don't want to use the online dice roller.

Titan Mage is meant to be played with three or more players. The sweet spot is 4 to 6 players with one player taking on the role of the Game Maestro, abbreviated GM from here on out.

Each player requires one full set of RPG dice: a four sided die (d4), a six sided die (d6), a ten sided die (d10), a twelve sided die (d12), a twenty sided die (d20), and a ten sided die with multiples of 10 (used with the d10 to make a d100). It is recommended to have two sets of dice per player so that multi-dice rolls can occur at once. If you don't have any dice yet, you can use the online dice roller.

Creating a Character

Use the following checklist to create a new character.


This section lists some conventions used in Titan Mage.

  • Rounding: Whenever rounding is required, always round up.
  • Dice Markings: Dice with a 0 side are counted as a max value. For example, a 0 roll on a d10 counts as 10.
  • Dice Notation: Damage values are usually marked with die to roll, d6, d10, etc. If multiple dice of the same type are to be rolled, the dice value will be prefixed with a number. For example 4d6 means to roll 4 d6 dice and add the value of all the rolls together. Some dice rolls are marked with a tilde and parentheses ~(2d4). For these rolls, roll 2 dice and subtract the larger value from the smaller. This may use dice of different size, e.g. ~(d4,d6). Always subtract the larger rolled value, regardless of which die has more sides.

Character Stats

Character Level

The level of your character is a measure of how skilled they are at their craft. This skill is manifested in additional stats, features, and magical ability.

Character level starts at 1 and goes up to 16. In order to level up, characters need to both gain experience out adventuring and spend time and money in town. It is up to you to choose when to spend the time and money to learn the next level during your town actions.

At the 6th level, a study under a magi is required. Magi are not uncommon, but are not found in every town. At the 11th level, a study under a grandmagi is required. Although most grandmagi are well known in story and legend, not all of them can be easy to find. In order to attain the 16th level, one has to advance their field beyond it's current limits. Work with your GM to discuss your plan for this, as such things do not come with a one size fits all price tag.

Use the following requirements chart to see what it takes to make it to level up. While spending the time to level up, living expenses do not need to be paid, but if others in the party are not leveling up at the same time, they will need to pay them.

Level Location Time Monetary Cost Rank
1 N/A N/A N/A Apprentice
2 Adventure Hall 1 month 300 Shells Apprentice II
3 Adventure Hall 1 month 400 Shells Apprentice III
4 Adventure Hall 1 month 500 Shells Apprentice IV
5 Adventure Hall 1 month 600 Shells Apprentice V
6 Magi Study 6 months 1000 Shells Journeyman
7 Adventure Hall 2 months 1200 Shells Journeyman II
8 Adventure Hall 2 months 1400 Shells Journeyman III
9 Adventure Hall 2 months 1600 Shells Journeyman IV
10 Adventure Hall 2 months 1800 Shells Journeyman V
11 GrandMagi Study 1 year 5000 Shells Magi
12 Adventure Hall 3 months 5500 Shells Magi II
13 Adventure Hall 3 months 6000 Shells Magi III
14 Adventure Hall 3 months 6500 Shells Magi IV
15 Adventure Hall 3 months 7000 Shells Magi V
16 ? ? ? Grandmagi

Whenever you level up, perform the following actions:

The Main Stats

Main stats directly measure character prowess. They influence other stats and are used for determining outcomes in ability checks.

These stats range from 1 to 20. When stats are upgraded, the effects of stats are always retroactive.

Stats are often to modify the damage of attacks or spells as either + stat, + stat/2, or + stat/4. Use the following table to reference these values.

Stat Stat/2 Stat/4 Stat/8
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 2 1 1
4 2 1 1
5 3 2 1
6 3 2 1
7 4 2 1
8 4 2 1
9 5 3 2
10 5 3 2
11 6 3 2
12 6 3 2
13 7 4 2
14 7 4 2
15 8 4 2
16 8 4 2
17 9 5 3
18 9 5 3
19 9 5 3
20 9 5 3

There are four main stats.


Power is used to express physical strength. Cleave, crush, and grapple your way through enemies.


  • Extra HP: Gain Power / 4 extra HP per level
  • Traditional weapon effectivness: Extra damage with traditional weapons


Reflex measures your speed and reaction. Evade dangers and act before others. A high reflex shoots first.


  • Combat order: Higher reflex acts first
  • Provides extra defense when wearing certain armor
  • Special weapon effectviness: Extra damage with specialized weapons


A high presence signifies awareness of the world around you. Anticipate the actions of others and make them pay for their predictability.

Direct Effects:

  • Crit chance: Physical damage critical strike chance: D20 roll <= Presence
  • Enhanced Spells: Extra spell damage


Focus allows you to concentrate and understand complex concepts. Outwit opponents through careful planning.


  • Extra MP: Gain Focus / 4 MP per level
  • Extra learned spells: Learn Focus / 4 additional spells

Auxiliary Stats

Health Points (HP)

Health points tracks the life of your character. At 0 HP, your character becomes incapacitated.

Character start with 20 HP and gain five extra HP at every level.

Magic Power (MP)

Magic power tracks the amount of magic that a character can perform. Characters gain extra magic power at every level based on their class.

Character start with 20 MP and gain five extra MP at every level.


Defense provides flat physical damage reduction. Defense is calculated by the armor you have equipped. Most light armor grants defense based on your reflex stat up to a cap. Heavy armor provides flat defense, but this comes at a movement speed cost.

For example, say your armor provides 0 flat defense, reflex/2 reflex defense, and has a reflex cap of 2. If you have 1 reflex, the armor provides reflex/2 = 1 defense. If you have 3 reflex, the armor provides reflex/2 = 2 defense. If you have 5 reflex, the armor provides 2 defense because the reflex cap has been hit.

values with Reflex. Certain abilities are able to reduce an opponents defense and are marked as armor piercing.

Magic Resistance

Magic resistance provides flat magic damage reduction. Magic resistance is rare, and is not provided by any normal armors.

Movement Speed

Movement speed is a measure how fast your character is. In combat, your character is allowed to move up to their movement speed in tiles every round.

A character's movement speed is set to 5 by default. It can be reduced by certain armors and items.

When moving diagonal, treat the first diagonal move as one tile of movement, the second diagonal move as two tiles of movement, then one, then two, etc.


In combat, players and enemies take turns performing actions.

Action Types

A turn is broken up into one powerful major action, one utility minor action, and as many as needed free actions.

Major actions are the powerful actions used primarily to deal damage. If desired, a minor action in place of a major action giving you two minor actions in a single turn.

Minor actions are mostly used to reposition or support using a major action. One is always free to use a minor action in place of a major action.

Free actions are quick light actions such as shouting a command or turning a lock.

Default Major Actions

Weapon Attack

Characters make an attack against an enemy using an equipped weapon.

Weapon attacks are made up of die rolls and flat bonuses. For example, if the weapon damage is ~(2d4) + 1, 2d4 is the die portion, and 1 is the flat bonus.

The damage from the die portion is dealt as pure damage and the damage from the bonus is dealt as physical damage.

Whenever a weapon attack is made, roll a d20. If your presence stat is equal or higher than the roll, this is considered a crit. Double the physical damage portion of the attack.

An unarmed attack can be made for 1 physical damage if no weapons are equipped.

Spell Cast

Characters who are learned in a school of magic can cast any spell that has been learned.


Characters with a shield equipped can use this minor action to activate the effect of their shield.


When standing over another player who is incapacitated, the defend action prevent them from taking further damage from physical damage. Instead, damage is directed at you.

Second Minor Action

Use a second minor action in place of a major action.

Default Minor Actions


Characters move up to their movement speed.

Minor Spell Cast

Learned spells marked as minor actions can be cast during the minor action of a turn.

Offhand Weapon Attack

Characters with two one handed weapons or characters that took the block major action can attack with the off hand as a minor action. Offhand weapon damage ignores any scaling from stats and only deals damage from the dice rolls. In addition, the dice damage from an offhand attack is dealt as defense damage instead of pure damage.


Drink a potion.


Characters load ammunition into a ranged weapon, a bow for example.

Swap Held Equipment

Characters put away, replace, or take out held equipment.


Characters may prepare a major action for later in the turn order. The conditions under which the major action will occur must be declared this turn.

Turn Order

Turn order is decided by the reflex stat. A higher stat means you go first. Ties are decided by the players.

Damage Types

There are three types of damage in Titan Mage: pure damage, physical damage, and magic damage.

Pure damage can not be reduced by any kind of defense. Pure damage is dealt by the dice portion of an attack role.

Any extra damage dealt by weapons is counted as physical damage and can be reduced by the defense stat. When making a physical damage attack, make sure to roll a d20 to check for crits. Critical hits double physical damage.

Damage dealt by spells is counted as magical damage and can be reduced by the magic resistance stat. Attacks made with magical damage can not crit.



A blinded character can only make attacks against the last enemy that took their turn. The blinded condition ends at the end of your turn.

Creatures with other heightened senses may not be affected by blindness.


Bleed is applied with a level. For example, you may see bleed (2). Bleed causes you to take extra damage whenever you are hit by an attack. The level of bleed corresponds to the amount of extra damage taken.

When you already have bleed and are inflicted by bleed again, keep the larger of the two bleed levels.

If a healing item or effect is used, all levels of bleed are cleared, and you still heal the full amount.


When chilled, you may only take a major action on your turn. The chilled condition ends at the end of your turn.


Grappled targets are unable to take the movement minor action.


Characters who are exhausted cannot take major actions and their movement speed is reduced by half.


In the fallen condition, you are unable to make ranged weapon attacks and the movement minor action only lets you roll one tile. Standing back up takes a minor action.


When feared, a creature must take the movement action as a major action and flee directly away from the source of the fear. They make still take any other minor actions.


When a player drops below 0 HP, they become incapacitated. They are unable to take major or minor actions or regain HP normally.

Upon entering the state, the character becomes afflicted by a grievous wound and must roll to find out which.

The player reamins incapacitated until the end of the current fight, after which they will return to 0 HP and can be be healed normally with potion, respite, or other HP restoring effects.

The condition can also be ended in the middle of combat by a spell or item that provides the revive affect, returning the character to 1 HP and ending the incapacitated state.

Every time a character is attacked while incapacitated, they suffer another grievous wound. Some foes may ignore downed combatants, but not all are so merciful.


A paralyzed character is unable to take any action. Defense is set to 0 while paralyzed.


Poison is a condition that is afflicted with a number. For example, you may see poison (3), which applies 3 levels of poison. If a character is poisoned they take their level of poison as damage at the end of their turn, then the level of poison is reduced by one.

If poison is applied again while already poisoned, the poison levels are added together.

If a healing item or effect is used, all levels of poison are cleared, and you still heal the full amount.


Death is the end of your playable character. They have succumbed to their injuries and pass on to the final rest.

This is a good chance to say some final words to your comrades.

Grievous Wound

When a character sustains critical injury, they become afflicted by a grievous wound. Roll a d6 to determine your characters grievous wound. This wounds cannot be removed by normal healing. If any grievous wound, except for Lucky Save, is rolled two times, then the character suffers death.

(1) Lucky Save

Your character sees life flash before their eyes, but fortune favors the lucky. No negative effects are experienced.

(2) Head Trauma

The character is unable to remember details about their past. They must invent a new motivation.

(3) Gnarly Scars

The many wounds gained over time have accumulated and worn down the player. Their maximum HP is halved.

(4) Damaged Arm

Damage to one arm becomes too severe to save. Your character is no longer able to wield two handed equipment and can only wield one one handed equipment.

(5) Damaged Leg

Bone injuries have left the player with a worn gait. Their base movement speed is reduced by two.

(6) Death

The character experiences death.


Recovering is the process of regaining HP and MP. Certain classes regain additional resources while recovering.


A respite is the only recovery that can occur while out adventuring. A respite requires an uninterrupted rest of at least 4 hours. Spending 8 or more hours resting does not increase the resources gained, and a respite can only occur once a day.

After a respite, each player rolls a d6 up to their character level number of times. The players choose whether to add the value on the die rolled to their HP or MP.

Once character level number of respite dice have been rolled, no more can be rolled until a full recovery has occurred.

Respite can be modified by certain classes and magic systems.

Full Recovery

A full recovery restores all of a character's HP and MP, but can only occur in town over the period of a week. A full recovery will reset the number of respite dice rolled back to zero.



Skills are trades that can be learned while in town in order to augment a character's abilities. Skills take three months of time to learn and have an upfront cost. A player character can learn up to level/2 skills at a time.


The alchemy skill allows you to identify potions on your own. In addition, you can craft a simple potion during a respite.

Alchemy requires 1,000 shells to learn.


Appraisal lets you to better determine the value of rare items like gems, idols, and the like.

Appraisal requires 500 shells to learn.

Horseback Riding

Horseback riding allows you to ride trained horses.

Horseback riding requires 300 shells to learn.


Lockpicking allow you to attempt to pick locks.

Lockpicking requires 2,000 shells to learn.


The smithing skill helps you to determine the value of weapons that you come across. In addition, you can craft common weapons while in town.

Smithing requires 1,000 shells to learn.

Ability Check

Ability checks are a way to use dice in combination with player stats to resolve an outcome.

The GM will ask for an ability check of a player for a particular main stat. It's the player's job to roll a d12 and add their stat to the roll. It will then be up to the GM to resolve outcome.


Speaking with Non-Player Characters (NPCs) is a common part of adventuring. Players may wish to elicit information from a knowledgeable town resident, haggle on the price of a rare artifact, or convince an animal that they are friendly.

When players are expecting a result out of their conversation, it's the job of the GM to recognize this and ask for an ability check. Players have many ways to be convincing, and the strength of their argument can have a great affect on the difficulty of the ability check.

Dialog is also one of the best ways to show off your character's personality!


Your character's motivation describes why they have just become an adventurer. It can be as short as, "I vow to buy back my family's farm from the evil baron", or as long as you enjoy writing it.

An important point to keep in mind is that your character is just starting out. Every character is capable of great deeds, but you get to discover them through playing the game, not crafting a backstory. Discovering who your character is by playing is one of the pleasures of TTRPGs.


Towns provide a safe haven between adventures, a place to rest weary bones, and prepare for what's next.

Living Expenses

Every month of time spent in town incurs living expenses. The price of these expenses depends upon your desired station. It may be tempting to choose meager living expenses, but know that you station effects how others perceive you. The rarest artifacts and most lucrative jobs often go to those of high station. The prices for living expenses are shown in the following table.

Station Monthly Expenses
Meager 10 Shells
Frugal 25 Shells
Average 50 Shells
High 100 Shells
Royal 200 Shells

Town Features

Towns support people from many walks of life. While in town you may wish to make use of services provided there. Not every town provides all of these services.

Adventure Hall

Adventure Halls are places where for hire adventurers can train and scout for work.


Apothecaries sell potions and droughts that may help you while you are away.


It's not very practical to carry around all the money and equipment that you have accumulated. Banks offer you a way to secure possessions.


Cartographers are designers of maps. The more expensive ones are typically the more accurate.


Cobblers sell and repair footwear.

General Store

General Stores sell simple craft and imported goods.


Libraries are rare and are usually tied to universities.


Markets are areas, typically outdoors, where foods and crafts are sold.


Smithies sell metal forged tools.


Stables house pack animals for a price. Some stables offer animals for sale.


Tailors sell garments of various quality.

Town Actions

You may be returning to town just for the sake of a full recovery, but why not take advantage of what the town has to offer? Time spent in town is devoted to town actions. Town actions occur on the order of months, and each member of the party need not take the same town actions at the same time.

Learning Skills

Time in town can be spent learning a new skill. See the list of skills for time and cost requirements.


Time spent training at an adventure hall allows you to level up. See the level up table for the time ranges and costs.


As your character gains levels, the ability to become a mentor assisting an unplayed character in leveling up becomes available. Players are responsible for creating a full character sheet for their mentee. A mentee must remain at least 5 levels lower than the player character.

Being a mentee takes time equal to the player character's . In exchange for your time and expertise, your character is rewarded with the price of level ups for the level the mentee gains.

Mentees are not able to gain levels back to back. Just like players, they need time to develop their new knowledge. This amount of time is at the GM's discretion.

Mentees may wish to join your adventuring party at such unfortunate times that room becomes available…


Many organizations rely on the generosity of rich adventurers. You may wish to spend time donating funds or volunteering for an organization that your character is aligned with.


Time can be spent researching a topic in town. Asking around, checking scholarly records. Some research tasks can go easier with a little grease.


Adventuring requires extreme preparation. Before embarking, it is wise to stock up on items to help you while away.


By practicing you magic craft, a spell from your spell list can be swapped out.


Taking up temporary work allows you to live with frugal expenses without costing any gold. Performing skilled labor may pay for higher expenses at the GM's discretion.

Player Classes


Tacticians are able to survey a battlefield with ease. They are able to command allies, increasing their battle effectiveness, and have insight into enemies traits.

At the first level, tacticians gain the delayed action class feature. This allows the player to take a prepare both their minor action and a major action until later in the turn order without having to use hold.

At the third level, tacticians gain the battle insight minor action. This lets the tactician determine either the remaining HP of a single enemy, the current defense of a single enemy, or a damage weaknesses of a single enemy.

At the fifth level, tacticians gain the dual guard major action. If an ally is within one tile of the tactician, both benefit from the effect of the block action.

At the seventh level, tacticians gain the quick insight minor action. This allows battle insight to be used as a free action instead of a minor action.

At the ninth level, tacticians gain the minor shot calling minor action. This lets another player character take a minor action during your turn instead of you. You decide who, and they decide which action to take. They cannot take the same minor action the next time they take their turn.

At the eleventh level, tacticians gain the major shot calling major action. This lets another player character take a major action during your turn instead of you. You decide who and they decide which major action. They cannot take the same action the next time they take their turn.

At the thirteenth level, tacticians gain the tactical insight class feature. Whenever battle insight is used, also learn what major and minor actions an enemy is going to use on their turn.

At the fifteenth level, tacticians gain the battle instincts class feature. This makes battle insight into a free action that can be used once per turn.

At the sixteenth level, tacticians gain the battle commander class feature. This combines the effects of minor shot calling and major shot calling, and turns them into a free action.


Mercenaries are masters of combat and weaponry, able to wield the rarest weapons and strongest armors. Cleaving and rending is the way of the Mercenary.

At the first level, mercenaries gain the engage minor action. This can be used when an enemy is within 1 tile. Until the beginning of your next turn, if the enemy you target moves from their tile, you may take a free attack action during their turn as soon as they move. This effect lasts until you or the enemy moves at least one tile.

At the third level, mercenaries gain the distracted strike class feature. This lets allies add 10 to crit rolls when targeting enemies that you have engaged. If the enemy moves away from you, this bonus no longer applies.

At the fifth level, mercenaries gain the shove major action. This puts a normal or smaller size enemy into the fallen state. When you take this action, roll a d12. If the roll is 6 or lower, the shove fails and the opponent keeps their footing.

At the seventh level, mercenaries gain the en guarde class feature. Once per respite, when your HP is reduced to 0, it remains at 1 instead.

At the ninth level, mercenaries gain the quick engage class feature. This turns engage into a free action that can be used once per turn.

At the eleventh level, mercenaries gain the power strike minor action. When the weapon attack major action is used, you may choose to reroll the crit die.

At the thirteenth level, mercenaries gain the charge class feature. When taking the movement minor action, as long as your movement is a straight line. You can use shove as a free action if an enemy stands at the end of your charge.

At the fifteenth level, assassins gain the rapid strike class feature. If you kill an opponent with a weapon strike, you may take an extra major action. This feature can only be used once per turn.

At the sixteenth level, mercenaries gain the battle master class feature. This lets you make two attacks when using the weapon attack major action.


Assassins are skilled dealing damage through the use of well placed attacks and devious weapon modifications. Few can stand before an Assassin and live to tell the tale.

At the first level, assassins gain the feint strike minor action. When targeting an enemy with a weapon attack this turn, if an ally is within 1 tile of the enemy you are targeting, you may reroll one of your weapon damage die when attacking that enemy.

At the third level, assassins gain the disarm major action. An opponent within one tile has a held weapon knocked out of their hands and falling to their feet. Picking it back up requires a weapon swap minor action. When you take this action, roll a d12. If the roll is 6 or lower, the disarm fails and the opponent retains their grip on the weapon.

At the fifth level, assassins gain the sole bad guy minor action. When an ally is withing 1 tile of the enemy you are targeting with a melee attack and that enemy has no allies within 1 tile, you may reroll both of your weapon damage dice during the weapon attack action.

At the seventh level, assassins gain the flourish strike class feature. This lets you take an extra minor action whenever you perform a critical weapon attack. This feature can only be used once per turn. The minor action must be different than your other minor action.

At the ninth level, assassins gain the traveling combatant class feature. Whenever you are the target of an attack or spell, you may move 1 tile after the attack or spell resolves.

At the eleventh level, mercenaries gain the quick draw class feature. This lets a mercenary switch weapons as a free action instead of a minor action.

At the thirteenth level, assassins gain the weapon catch class feature. This lets you equip the weapon thrown with the disarm major action instead of simply knocking it to the ground.

At the fifteenth level, assassins gain the deep cut class feature. When making a weapon attack, roll two crit dice. If both dice manage to crit, the multipliers are combined.

At the sixteenth level, assassins gain the weak point specialist class feature. Critical strikes do 3x the damage instead of 2x.


Scholars are those who seek to understand the titan's influence on the world. The knowledge is only a mimicry, but even a fraction of that power is enough to demand respect.

At the first level, scholars gain the rest enjoyer class feature. This allows the scholar use gain both HP and MP while spending respite dice.

At the third level, scholars gain the enchant major action. This makes the next weapon attack you do deal magic damage instead of physical damage.

At the fifth level, scholars gain the spell imprint minor action. If you cast a major action spell last turn, it can be cast again as a minor action. If you cast a minor action spell last turn, it can be cast again for half the MP cost. The spell imprint minor action can not be used two turns in a row.

At the seventh level, scholars gain the spirited defense class feature. Whenever magic damage it taken, gain magic resistance equal to half the damage taken. This resistance goes away after the next time you take damage (physical or magical).

At the ninth level, scholars gain the arcane wisdom class feature. This lets you discover the effects of an artifact during a respite.

At the eleventh level, scholars gain the MP recycle class feature. Gain 2d4 MP every time that you cast a spell.

At the thirteenth level, scholars gain the greater enchant minor action. This lets you perform the enchant action as a free action.

At the fifteenth level, scholars gain the magic osmosis class feature. This lets another character of your choosing gain the MP gathered from the recycle class feature in addition to you.

At the sixteenth level, scholars gain the spell chain class feature. This allow you to cast a any major action spell as minor action or any two minor action spells as a major action.


The Bereft are those without any advantage in life. Unlikely adventurers, but it is for fate to say who are the greats.

No magic systems. No class features. Respect.

Systems of Magic

The power of the titans left its mark on the world. The study of these marks led to the beginning of the practice of magic. Independently, the studies led in different paths that lead to the groups of magic that are currently known.

Each group requires a lifetime of practice and a focus to the craft. Even then, some advanced magics are only able to be learned by those who give their complete energy to the study. These are known as advanced magics, while the easier magics are called the standard magics.

Ancient Whisperer

The Ancient Whisperers have studied the lost spoken language of the titans. Through great mental exertion, they can recall incantations the forgotten language, shaping the world as the titans once did.

The number of known incantations are shown in the following table.

Level # Incantations Known
1 1
2 2
3 2
4 3
5 3
6 4
7 4
8 5
9 5
10 6
11 6
12 7
13 7
14 8
15 8
16 10


Naturalists draw from the latent magic left behind from the construction of the world.

Natural spells, called sourceries, can be devastatingly powerful, but can only by relied on in certain environments.

Level # Sourceries Known
1 1
2 2
3 2
4 3
5 3
6 4
7 4
8 5
9 5
10 6
11 6
12 7
13 7
14 8
15 8
16 10


Harvesters utilize the remains of the fallen, twisting them to their own purposes. They collect soul pieces from those that die during combat, which are manipulated to their end through the use of spells called extractions.

The number of known extractions and maximum number of should pieces that can be held at the same time are shown in the following table.

Level # Extractions Known Max Soul Pieces
1 1 3
2 2 4
3 2 4
4 3 5
5 3 5
6 4 6
7 4 6
8 5 7
9 5 7
10 6 8
11 6 8
12 7 9
13 7 9
14 8 10
15 8 10
16 10 12


The Runecast are warriors that pursue the study of an ancient written language. By etching these runic symbols into their weapons and armor, they are able to bind the power of magic to physical objects, and augment their combat ability.

Runes carved into your weapons and armor can be activated with a minor action for 0 MP. Whenever the rune is used after it is activated MP is lost. As the Runecast levels up, more runes can be active at once. The passive effects of these runes last until the end of combat when used during combat and at the end of the day when used out of combat. Runecast are only able to modify their own equipment and can not add runes to artifacts.

The number of runes that can be equipped at a time is shown in the following table.

Level # of Runes Known # Runes Active at Once
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 2 1
5 2 1
6 2 2
7 3 2
8 3 2
9 3 2
10 4 2
11 4 3
12 4 3
13 5 3
14 5 3
15 5 3
16 6 4

Spirit Caller

Spirit Callers hold a spiritual bond with their ancestors. In death, the spirits of the departed are able to impart their favors upon the physical world.

These effects are limited by the number of favors available and can be activated a number of times since the last full recovery as shown in the following table.

When used in combat, a spirit callers spells last until the end of combat. When used outside of combat, they last for presence/4 hours or until the end of the next combat, whichever comes first.

Level # Casts Per Recovery # Favors Available
1 2 1
2 4 2
3 4 2
4 4 3
5 4 3
6 6 4
7 6 4
8 6 5
9 6 5
10 6 6
11 8 6
12 8 7
13 8 7
14 8 8
15 8 8
16 10 10



The currency in the game are shells and pearls.

Currency Value (in Shells)
Shells 1
Pearls 100
Black Pearls 1000

Combat Equipment

Combat equipment includes weapons, armor, and shields.

Armor is considered worn equipment and comes in light and heavy varieties. Armor provides you with passive defense. Only one set of armor can be worn at a time.

Weapons and shields are considered held equipment. Two one-handed held items or one two-handed held item can be equipped at a time. Switching held equipment, can done with the swap held equipment minor action. Held equipment requires an action for their effects to be active.

Characters can carry with them one set of armor and four hands worth of held items.

Adventuring Equipment

In addition to combat equipment, it is wise to stock up on adventuring equipment. These include ropes, light sources, bags, etc.

There is no hard limit on carrying adventuring equipment, but the items you take with you must reasonably fit in a backpack or on a pack mule.


Potions can be bought at an apothecary.

Potions provide such important utilities like healing and staving off negative effects, if you care about that sort of thing.

Up to 8 potions can be carried at a time.


Artifacts are special items infused with great power. Artifacts can be of any item type, but are always better than base items. Artifacts may have requirements beyond the base item.

Artifacts are described by their rarity: rare, epic, or legendary.

Artifacts are valuable and coveted, so to have any is to paint a target on your back. Guard them carefully.

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